Climate Change and EM 08: Climate Change Education

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Course Credit: 4 hours

Emergency medicine has a unique stance to engage in climate change education, especially given our critical frontline role in responding to increasing demands related to climate-sensitive conditions and supply chain and personnel shortages. Climate education can be broken down into 3 main facets:

  • How do we educate our patients to help mitigate health risks?
  • How do we educate our colleagues on ongoing health threats of our changing climate?
  • How do we educate rising doctors (and future climate leaders) and give them the necessary tools to practice in an ever-changing environment?

This module will dive into ways in which climate change education can be implemented in medical school and residency curricula as well as patient care or across operations as part of a system to address local climate threats and, most importantly, the patients affected.

Curriculum: Module 8 of 10

TopicReading Material
Undergraduate medical education
Graduate medical education
Other resources

Optional Reading

Reading Material

Climate Change and EM Team

  • Lead Author: Caitlin Rublee, MD, MPH
  • Secondary Authors: Catharina Giudice, MD; Katelyn Moretti, MD, MS; Kyle Martin, DO, MA, MPH; Andrew Musits, MD, MS
  • Contributors: Joseph Leanza, MD; Christine Baek; Nikhil Ranadive, MD, MS
  • ALiEMU Graphic Designer: Christopher Nash, MD
  • ALiEMU Peer Reviewer: Michelle Lin, MD
  • Sponsor: Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Curriculum design consultant: Simiao Li-Sauerwine, MD, MSCR with the ALiEM Education Research Lab and Incubator (ERLI)

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