Climate Change and EM 02: Climate and Health Impacts

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Course Credit: 8 hours

In this section, we will start exploring the health impacts of climate change, with an emphasis on U.S. populations. As we dive into different case studies and articles, take note of how some health impacts may be more direct and predictable while others are indirect with potentially unexpected consequences.

Curriculum: Module 2 of 10

TopicReading Material
Climate Change and Human Health: Present and Future Risks: Here we will begin our journey into understanding the health impacts of climate change and the challenges of predicting what the future holds.
U.S. Global Change Research Program
Climate change and human health: Provides a broad overview of how climate change is impacting health in the U.S. Explore resources ranging from webinars, videos, and publications.
Clinical impacts for emergency medicine: How are the patients we see in the ED and health systems operations being affected by climate change?
Heat waves and heat-related illnesses
Drought and dust
Displacement and migration
Infectious diseases and toxins
Other consequences of extreme weather events

Climate Change and EM Team

  • Lead Author: Caitlin Rublee, MD, MPH
  • Secondary Authors: Catharina Giudice, MD; Katelyn Moretti, MD, MS; Kyle Martin, DO, MA, MPH; Andrew Musits, MD, MS
  • Contributors: Joseph Leanza, MD; Christine Baek; Nikhil Ranadive, MD, MS
  • ALiEMU Graphic Designer: Christopher Nash, MD
  • ALiEMU Peer Reviewer: Michelle Lin, MD
  • Sponsor: Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Curriculum design consultant: Simiao Li-Sauerwine, MD, MSCR with the ALiEM Education Research Lab and Incubator (ERLI)

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